Nov. 26, 2024
See Below
Patient Participation Group
Minutes of Meeting 26th November 2024
Attendees: Heather Mulkey, Sandy Brook, Peter Gordon, Sally Morgan, Rosemary Vickers, Brenda Ellis, Lesley Bladen, Stephanie Forster, Liz Hurrell.
Apologies: Mai Furness, Catherine Griffiths, Gaby Markham, Alex Davis-Burns.
Online: Jane Jenner
Minutes: Molly Christie
Next Meeting Date: 4th February 2025 4pm at Cobham Health Centre
Points of Discussion
Welcome to new members.
Lesley Bladen, Stephanie Forster, Liz Hurrell and Jane Jenner. All of whom bring a wealth of experience in a variety of industries including; NHS, Marketing, Communications and the Civil Service. A huge thank you to all.
Oxshott PPG & Surrey Heartlands Expo
They are interested in collaborating with us and are looking at an event to cover CPR.
The Expo was a chance to meet with all the organisations providing services in Surrey and Heather collected information, which she will be happy to share with anyone else who may be interested.
Action: Heather to invite Oxshott PPG to next meeting. Likely to be a longer one in order to share terms of reference and historic achievements.
Action: MC to circulate previous successes.
Newsletter v Events
This was discussed and all agreed they should run in tandem. Newsletters are a great way to get information out to patients, for them to understand the services on offer and how to access them. Events are more specific. Paul Choulls, our Social Prescriber featured in the last newsletter and he has reported an increased response from patients.
Going forward aim for quarterly newletters, the next being the winter edition.
Possible event
Meet our MP Dr Ben Spencer who until recently was the Shadow Minister for Health and Social Care, currently Shadow Minister for Science Innovation and Technology. He has worked as a consultant psychiatrist at Kings and Maudsley Hospitals. We would need to specify topics to discuss.
NAPP Update
Sandy and Heather are members of NAPP (National Association of Patient Participation). They both attended the recent AGM. See attached.
PPG Roles
Suggested roles:
Chair and Deputy.
Membership Co-ordinator. Liz Hurrell (volunteered after meeting).
Newsletter Distribution Coordinator. Jane and Stephanie.
Newsletter Editor. Jane and Stephanie.
Oxshott PPG liaison. Sally Morgan (volunteered after meeting).
NAPP Liaison
Heather is happy to hold the mantel as Chair for now but does hope to pass it on in the not too distant future.
Peter and Sandy who have been active members for the last 10 years aim to step down as soon as sufficient new members in place to take over.
Cobham and Oxshott PPG – reason for the collaboration.
We were 1 of 6 practices in the Leatherhead PCN. Cobham submitted an application to create our own PCN with Oxshott, primarily due to different patient needs, the other surgeries had very different patient demographics. After the submission of many business cases it was eventually approved with effect from the 1st April 2024. The new PCN enabled us to give our patients a better and more focussed service. With an increase in evening and weekend hub appointments with the Dr’s covering a combination of our own salaried doctors and those provided by the Federation. We have recruited another paramedic and pharmacist to work with us and Oxshott and Paul Choulls as previously mentioned.
GP Representative – As of January 2025 this will be Dr Shaz Karim